Passfield welcomes Tim Lamb!

Passfield welcomes Tim Lamb!

2nd January 2007

Passfield welcomes Tim Lamb!

In January we were pleased to welcome Tim Lamb. Tim will now head up the Sales and Marketing function at Passfield having worked in commercial horticulture for 22 years in all areas of the supply chain. His knowledge comes from working for such names as Notcutts, Hillier’s and more recently with Hewton Nursery & Whetman Pinks Ltd. Tim brings with him an excellent understanding of horticulture and fresh produce and we look forward to further implementation of the system within the industry.

“Having worked with plants for over 20 years it is great to be now involved with a product that makes the whole process of growing and selling simpler” said Tim.

Passfield Blog

New EDI feature live and kicking

New EDI feature live and kicking

1st July 2006

Passfield now includes a fully integrated EDI invoicing facility. It’s a feature that has been high on the wish list for...
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