McGrane online ordering system integrates with Passfield

McGrane online ordering system integrates with Passfield

12th August 2013

McGrane online ordering system integrates with Passfield

Bedding plant nursery McGrane's online ordering system is now fully integrated with Passfield. Clients benefit from regular updated stock lists, while McGrane's can choose what gets updated and how often.
How it works
An outgoing stock update file is regularly sent to an FTP folder on the Online Ordering System's dedicated Cloud Hosting Environment. The McGrane’s Online Ordering System picks this file up and updates the stock offering on the website. An incoming sales order file effectively does the same in reverse, updating Passfield with any new orders made online. This system works with the Passfield Scheduler, so McGrane's can set how often data updates take place.
Client-specific stock offerings
McGrane has several different client groups and each require their own stock offerings. This new feature takes this into account – so when a client logs in online, they only see the stock availability specific to their client group.
Full flexibility
Tailored queries can be quickly written using SQL in this feature; it’s possible to set up multiple outgoing files to update difference features. So as well as updating stock data for example, McGrane can choose to update customer records too.
What McGrane have said
“In the height of the season we need to get orders on fast so that we can provide the service our customers require. Our Webshop has significantly helped in this area with up to 40 orders a day being placed. Our customers also love it as they can view stock and order from McGrane’s 24/7. The other added bonus is any member of the sales team can enter orders when they are out of the office.” Johnny Mackinnon, McGrane Nurseries Manager.

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