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31st May 2009
Lowaters Nursery based near Fareham in Hampshire are well known nationally by retailers for their Garden Beauty branding and famed for their extensive range of Hebes. Lowaters are true business innovators, embracing many initiatives which have honed their business practices and produced profitable business growth. Following a busy spring season in 2008 Charles Carr, Nursery Director and James Plant, Sales Director realised change needed to take place in Sales administration if they were to maintain their momentum.
As Charles Carr explains, “the combination of our unique range, great branding and excellent service has produced a steady increase in our market share. As a result our office system was beginning to creak under the strain and we needed to see a dramatic increase in admin efficiency. We have a clear vision of future market aims and it was obvious our existing software would not be up to the job.”
Sourcing and evaluating potential new software is difficult, as James Plant points out: “We’d heard some good things about Passfield and after a series of meetings with the Passfield team our list of needs were all ticked; however nothing replaces actual day-to-day operational use. I am pleased to report office time and costs have been cut so we made the right decision.”
Passfield was quickly installed in August. Data transfer from their existing system took place on a Thursday afternoon and Passfield was up and running on Monday morning. “Lowaters set up went very well,” reports Tim Lamb, Passfield’s Marketing & Business manager. “In the first two weeks we were talking to the Lowaters operators several times a day, dealing with queries and carrying out online training as needed but this level of intensity dropped after a fortnight. It was particularly pleasing to discover how quickly they embraced the system. Even now exploring Passfield is a part of their quest to increasing everyday efficiencies.”
Lowaters will shortly be launching the E Availability list, a pioneering new feature developed by Passfield’s technical team. Weekly availability lists will be emailed to Lowater customers as customised spreadsheets, generated by Passfield. On receipt the customer will fill in quantities required, email it back where Passfield will directly load it as an order. Keying in time at Lowaters will be cut dramatically.
24th April 2008
Highly respected Scottish nursery Greens Nurseries has streamlined their Order and Stock control processes with the...
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22nd January 2008
The Bransford Webbs plant company have switched their entire stock and sales processing to Passfield’s horticultural...
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5th October 2007
Recent development to Passfield's Master Order system will allow users to reach new heights in customer service and sales...
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1st August 2007
An agreement to mutually recommend products has been arranged between Passfield and Longcombe Labels of Totnes in Devon.
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2nd April 2007
Passfield will be exhibiting at the Four Oaks show this September 4-5th with the aim of increasing its exposure to UK...
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19th March 2007
One of Europe's leading farm co-operatives, which specialises in growing and packing salads and vegetables, is now using...
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2nd January 2007
In January we were pleased to welcome Tim Lamb. Tim will now head up the Sales and Marketing function at Passfield having worked...
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We’re delighted to have won Technical Product of the Year for Passfield at the prestigious Grower of the Year awards...
On the whole Horticulture had a very good spring and this reminded us to appreciate our involvement in an industry which both produces food (a guaranteed market need) and affordable pleasure for millions of gardeners...
Existing users, from large businesses to the very smallest, testify that Passfield software can provide costeffectiveness and hence a quick return on investment...
Leading innovative nursery The Bransford Webbs Plant Company has switched its entire stock and sales processing to Passfield's horticultural software suite...
Company registration no: 3130617. Registered company name: Passfield Data Systems Ltd. Registered in England and Wales.
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