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21st July 2008
Maelor Forest Nurseries based near Whitchurch, Shropshire have successfully installed Passfield’s software suite. Maelor grow and market several million trees a year which are supplied to forestry plantations throughout the UK and Ireland. Passfield will now be used to efficiently process all orders and will keep track of their ever changing stock inventory.
Passfield’s system adaptability has fulfilled their specific needs namely; provenance traceability, specifically tailored seed certification (which are automatically created by the system) and Passfield’s new production batch grading feature.
24th March 2020
In these exceptionally uncertain times, we would like to reassure all our clients that it is very much business as usual at...
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20th January 2020
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20th February 2019
Passfield has now launched its popular Stock Control app in a version which runs on Windows 10. This means users can easily and...
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30th January 2019
We’re delighted to now offer a new, business-to-business webshop module that allows your clients to place orders with you...
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7th September 2018
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Our NEW integrated...
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12th June 2018
Development on Passfield’s new ERP system is on schedule, and we’re getting more and more excited by the benefits it...
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15th January 2018
Passfield Data Systems are delighted to announce a major new agreement for sales representation and first level system support...
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We’re delighted to have won Technical Product of the Year for Passfield at the prestigious Grower of the Year awards...
On the whole Horticulture had a very good spring and this reminded us to appreciate our involvement in an industry which both produces food (a guaranteed market need) and affordable pleasure for millions of gardeners...
Existing users, from large businesses to the very smallest, testify that Passfield software can provide costeffectiveness and hence a quick return on investment...
Leading innovative nursery The Bransford Webbs Plant Company has switched its entire stock and sales processing to Passfield's horticultural software suite...
Company registration no: 3130617. Registered company name: Passfield Data Systems Ltd. Registered in England and Wales.
Registered address: The Globe, 165 High Street, Honiton, EX14 1LQ, United Kingdom
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